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2021 Wrapped with Friendzone

“I can’t believe it’s December already!”

“Isn’t it crazy that 2022 is just around the corner?”

You’ve probably noticed that many of your conversations this time of year include comments just like these. It’s true - in-between absorbing the reality of the pandemic lasting longer than anyone expected and getting used to constantly-evolving restrictions, it probably feels like this year has passed in the blink of an eye!

Every year brings new milestones, especially if you’re a young adult! We go through various transitions - from different stages of education to entering the workforce, to changing jobs. Friendships and relationships come, go and change, with varying degrees of impact on our lives. All the more, the end of the year is a golden opportunity to reflect, process and plan for new beginnings. 

In the midst of end-of-year gatherings and meet-ups, however, it may be difficult to find the space to do this! That’s why we’ve put together some reflection questions for you. Read on to discover more!

If you’d like a dedicated time and space to review, sign up for 2021 Wrapped with Friendzone! It’s a chance to spend an evening with young adults all over Singapore, think back on your year and how it will shape your 2022.

Oops! Seems the event has ended. But fret not, we have an amazing series of events lined up, just for you! Sign up for the latest Friendzone event and spend the evening with fellow members in your community or industry!

What was your low point, high point and turning point of 2021?

What are 3 of your biggest accomplishments?​ What or who made these possible? Have you thanked them?

What do you hope your next year will look like?

What are three things you are ready to accept and let go of?

What are three things you will love about yourself?

How different are you now from the start of the year?

What was difficult for you this year? How did you overcome it?

What have you learnt from your overcoming?
(Even if you are still in the process! We are all still works in progress.)

What ways have you connected with the people around you this year - your family, friends and neighbours? 

How have you helped each other? 

What will you do differently next year to benefit the people around you?

Want more questions and activities to reflect with? Then use the slides below as a resource! Set aside time in your schedule, get some friends together and wrap up your 2021 well. We hope these questions are valuable for you, and that you feel refreshed, renewed and excited to make your 2022 spectacular - for yourself and for the people around you!