Our Story
A nation where friendliness is the norm and people don't feel alone
Back in 2018, Friendzone’s founders noticed that they were having many conversations with friends reminiscing about campus life after graduation.
Through these conversations, they realised that unlike in hall, there weren’t any established young adult communities in their neighbourhoods and few opportunities for young people living in the same area to connect meaningfully.
Statements like, “My parents and grandparents know the neighbours, but I don’t” or “My estate very old, no other young people” were common.
Thus came the inspiration for Friendzone: a social organisation that connects communities through conversation.
Contrary to the popular understanding of “Friendzone” (in the dating context), we believe that “Friendzone” perfectly describes the heart of what we do - for everyone to experience their communities (e.g. neighbourhoods, workplaces, cities) as zones where they have friends.
Bringing together our individual expertise in community-building, communications and facilitation, we began designing and hosting neighbourhood gatherings both on and offline to combat social isolation and disconnection, and foster meaningful conversations and friendships amongst young adults in Singapore.
We believe that everyone has something to offer and receive, and Singapore is full of interesting people that just haven’t met yet!

Our Dream
Thriving communities across Singapore where individuals feel connected to one another, contribute to each other, and live fulfilled lives.
Our Mission
To unite diverse people and inspire them to create caring communities for themselves.
To animate communities through conversation, connection, and curation.
To provide countercultural perspectives and experiences, shifting narratives and norms.
Meet The Team
Our Founders
Our Team
There are no open positions at the moment, but do keep a look out for updates on Linkedin or any of our
social media pages!
Friendzone’s Something New
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Join our Telegram channel!
Got lobang to share?
Message us and get it featured!