The Friendship Guide with Grace!
“How do you know that the person whom you see as a constant only sees you as a seasonal friend? ”
I don’t think that in any relationship between two people, both parties view the relationship the same.
I’m curious about the context of this question. Was it asked out of a place where you value someone’s presence in your life and you want to keep talking/hanging out but they no longer make time for you?
A suggestion would be to begin to understand where the other person is coming from and extend empathy.
Maybe it’s a peak period at work? Maybe they have other priorities or struggles and they need some space. Maybe you remind them of something they’re trying to move on from?
Knowing what they’re going through will grow your understanding and change your response. They might just need some space. Manage your expectations and the pace of the friendship too. You can always check-in and catch up again in another season when they’re less swamped :)
Though honestly, this is a real insecurity.
It sucks when your level of commitment isn’t reciprocated in a friendship you deeply value — and you find yourself getting jealous of the other/ “constant” friends you see in your friends’ lives or questioning your place in their lives, and inevitably your worth as a person.
Many times, people don’t communicate their needs, expectations and perspectives in friendships/relationships. Have the courage to convey your stance and feelings if you need to :)