Dear Future Intern…
Dear Intern,
I hope this letter finds you well! Welcome to your new internship. I hope you are settling in well and finding your way around, feeling right at home with the Friendzone team. I wanted to share the gems I have picked up and experienced during my time with Friendzone, from one intern to another! Here are 5 things that I have learned that might be useful to you:
1) Be flexible and communicate well
Friendzone’s schedule is pretty ad-hoc and flexible, so be open to change. With the many plans, ideas, and flexibility Friendzone has, communication is your greatest tool. As simple as it sounds, something that helped me was asking questions. Don’t be afraid to voice out feedback and any new ideas you may have! There were times when I felt stuck but hesitated to ask because I wasn't sure if I'd be disturbing my teammates. But this also caused anxiety in me, overall making me restless and confused. Communication makes sure everyone’s on the same page and has the chance to be heard!
2) Balance programme and people
Friendzone’s work involves reaching out to people through programmes. You could see programme as the how and people as the why, but which is more important? As someone who’s people-focused, I initially thought that everything would sort itself out as long as you knew your ‘why’ and purpose. I thought, “Doing work is good but remember why you’re doing it! The work is not an end, but rather a means to an end.”
Nothing wrong with that! But over time, I realised that if you want to serve a community, the work you produce needs to be done well too. Learning to balance my focus on both programmes and people allowed me to better understand the work Friendzone does and ensures a fuller experience for everyone — be it staff or participant!
Petra (third from right) and her fellow facilitators!
3) Enjoy the community you’re in! (i.e. the Friendzone team!)
I realised that to build community, one has to be in a community first! By being an example and practising what you preach in your own life, the kampong spirit spills over to the communities you reach 😀
It’s one thing to do meaningful work, but doing it with meaningful people makes those intense work days worth it. What helped was Friendzone’s culture of teamwork and community — but it takes 2 hands to clap. Be intentional about getting to know your team and allow them to get to know you too! As someone who has been touched by community, my time here has definitely further solidified the positive impact community can bring to someone’s life. I hope you’ll be able to share this sentiment and experience it as well!
Petra and her Friendzone colleagues!
4) Know what you can control
Working in a social enterprise whose social cause is about community, you’re bound to meet all sorts of people. The everyday challenges that you could experience range from plans changing at a moment’s notice to interesting responses from people you have to contact. No matter how flexible you may be, boundaries need to be put into place too.
Sometimes people might get upset and that’s okay. You’re not responsible for their actions and emotions, but you are responsible for yourself and how you respond to situations. Don't put yourself down over someone's negative response. Maybe they were having a bad day, or maybe there was something that could have been done better on your end. Reflect, learn, talk to someone about it if you need to (see point 3) and think about what can be done next time. This brings us to…
5) Choose growth for yourself and others!
Your internship is not just a time to gain work experience but for you to grow too! Personally, I’ve learned the importance of feedback and the effect community has on a person. Take the feedback you receive as opportunities to grow and the feedback you give the chance to build someone up — this way, it can be a learning experience for everyone!
Petra facilitating at a Friendzone event!
One of the best things I experienced in Friendzone was trying out new things. I felt comfortable and safe enough to step out of my comfort zone a little, I decided to try my hand at content creation (which is out of my job description) and I’m glad I did! Be curious, acknowledge what you have done well and see what can be done better. There are always opportunities for growth waiting to be found. 😊
Do your best, and keep learning! There are many things I’ve gained from my time here, and I hope yours will be as, if not more fruitful than mine. Wishing you a good internship with Friendzone and all the best for your future endeavours!
Signing off,