Our Blog
Journey along with us as we create community!
What to Expect at a Friendzone Event
Been curious about attending a Friendzone event, but not sure what to expect? Our interns, Claudia and Petra, are here to help you out! Read on for 5 things to look forward to at an event!
10 Ways to Use Your Neighbourhood Telegram Chat
Been added to your neighbourhood Tele chat after an event, but not sure what to do next? We’ve put together some ideas! Enjoy this peek into the possibilities of how community carries on, way after the first meeting :)
Four Years Strong: Our Co-founders Reflect!
In honour of our fourth anniversary, our co-founders reflect on their highs, lows and lessons from the journey so far!
Leaving Halls
The end of the academic year is upon us, and for many, that means leaving the communities they’ve become attached to! It’s bound to be difficult, but you can do it. Read on for ideas on how to keep the friendships you’ve gained and use what you’ve learned to make new ones!
BFFs: Fact or Fiction?
Whatever your relationship to the idea of a 'best friend forever', it's worth evaluating our relationships to those closest to us as we grow older. In this Real Talk, we're busting 3 common myths about BFFs!
Friendship Flags
It’s easy to assume that all is fine in our friendships, but do we ever take a step back to see how things are really going?
In this Real Talk, we’ve put together some red and green Friendship Flags to help you assess how things are going in your relationships! Read on to discover more, and remember that there is always room to learn and grow together .
Friendship Breakups
Sometimes, it’s time to say goodbye :( The end of a friendship is never easy! In this Real Talk, we’re looking at how to navigate friendship breakups with dignity, compassion and hope.
Navigating Friendship Drama
Nobody likes drama, but it’s often inevitable - especially in close relationships. In this Real Talk, we looking at how to navigate conflict well and come out stronger on the other side!
Friends in Love
Love is in the air! In this Valentine’s Day edition of Real Talk, we’re looking at all things love - and how our friends play a part. Read on to feel the love!